News 1

Additional Fishing on Caldecotte South

Thanks to the co-operation of the Parks Trust we think we’ve solved a long-running, intermittent problem on Caldecotte South, regarding the southerly limit of fishing on that lake.

A new sign is going to be installed (the current one went missing a while back) opposite the junction of the small footpath and main lakeside path (Red fig 1 on the map) and fishing will be allowed on the west (A5) bank from the H10 bridge (narrow point between north and south lakes) right up to that sign. NO fishing allowed beyond that point.

So for the future, the junction of those two paths is the limit…whether there is a sign there or not.

Please remember when casting straight out, that there is a bird hide (green pointer on the map) used by members of the public on the south bank.

Thanks in advance for everyone’s co-operation, and thank you Parks Trust.