MKAA Constitution

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1. The association will be known as Milton Keynes Angling Association.

2. Aims and Objectives

a) The preservation and furtherance of angling interests with the area.

b) To provide official representation for all associated clubs at local and national level.

c) To acquire fishing rights within the area subject to final approval of the delegates.

3. That membership of the Association shall be open to all angling club’s resident with the area subject to final approval of the delegates.

4.  a) Milton Keynes AA is fully committed to the principles of equality in the sport of angling, irrespective of participants’ ethnic origin, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation or disability. It is opposed to discrimination or harassment in any form

b) The Association is a non-profit making/distributing organisation and shall continue to operate so long as the member club/societies agree to it doing so. All surpluses shall be used to maintain/improve its facilities in line with its objectives of preservation and furtherance of angling interests within the area.

If the member clubs/societies agree to wind-up/dissolve the association, any surplus will be distributed to another suitable non-profit making body with the objective of preservation and furtherance of angling interests, and shall not be distributed to members or individuals.

5. Management:
a) Officers: chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer and other officers deemed necessary to the running of the Association (with the powers to co-opt).

b) The above officers to be elected at the AGM. These officers to have no voting power at delegates meetings, but will form the executive committee of the Association (with the power to co-opt).

c) Delegates meetings to consist of up to two delegates from each club.

d) The match secretary and his assistants shall be responsible for organising all association matches and match representation.

6. All clubs wishing to become members of the Association shall pay an initial registration fee of £100 and £40 affiliation fee per annum thereafter.

All members of affiliated clubs wishing to hold an Association ticket will pay £40.00 per annum and will be known as affiliated members. Any individual not a member of an affiliated club will pay a fee of £55 per annum, and will be known as an individual member. Day tickets may be purchased on the bank from Association bailiffs or officers.

7. Senior citizens aged 65 or over and the registered disabled (concessionary tickets) shall pay £32 (affiliated) and £36 (non-affiliated) per season. Junior anglers shall pay £10 per season.

Junior anglers wishing to purchase a three rod ticket shall pay £45 (affiliated) and £50 (non-affiliated).

Junior anglers to be defined as those between the ages of 13 and 16 years inclusive. Those under 13 to be free but MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult when at the waterside.

For membership ticket price purpose, a senior citizen is defined as anyone aged 65 or over at time of ticket purchase. Proof of age may be required for purchase of any ticket reduced in price due to the purchaser’s age (concessionary EA rod licence is ideal).

8. a) Members having purchased a ‘3 rod’ season ticket may fish with up to three rods on Caldecotte Lake, Fuzton Lake, Willen Lake north and south, Bradwell Lake and Emberton Park big lakes. On all other waters fished on a MKAA card ALL members shall be limited to a maximum of TWO rods. 3 rod tickets costs £60 adult affiliated (£72 adult non-affiliated), senior citizens, registered disabled, junior affiliated costs £45 (non-affiliated £50).

• If a two rod ticket has been purchased, it can be upgraded to a 3 rod ticket for a fee of £18 by calling 07759 129800 or emailing (holders of £10 junior tickets will need to £35 if affiliated or £40 if not).

b) Season card holders who have NOT paid the premium shall be limited to fishing with a maximum of two rods each or – at the bailiff’s discretion – may fish a third rod on the waters listed above in return for purchase of a day ticket.

c) Non season card holders who have purchased a day membership ticket shall be limited to fishing with a maximum of two rods each or – at the bailiff’s discretion- may fish a third rod on the waters listed above in 8a in return for purchase of an additional day ticket.

9. a) At any delegates’ meetings, delegates from five affiliated clubs will be required to make a quorum.

b) That where it is decided to instigate any action in the name of the Association, a majority of the delegates present and voting, shall be necessary to secure a decision.

10. That while Associate clubs/societies and members are free to pursue matters in their individual interests it will be considered contrary to the spirit and intention of the Association for them to act in a manner likely to prove prejudicial to any other member of the Association.

11. All leases held by member clubs/societies to be offered to Association if they can no longer be maintained by the said club/society.

12. Clubs/societies will still run under their own names within the Association.