
Don’t get caught out, some of the Parks Trust car parks are pay and display car parks.

Furzton Lake

There are three car parks around Furzton lake, Shirewell Crescesnt is now pay and display. MKAA members are able to purchase a yearly ticket at a reduced price, see link below.

Willen lake

Willen lake has a number of official carparks which are all pay and display, spend more that 10 minutes in a carpark and you will be required to pay. Parking times are recorded on camera which records number plate, time of arrival and leaving. Do not be tempted to park on the main road grass verges as this is a breach of MKAA rules and could result in a fine from the National Highways.

LATEST UPDATE re Shirwell Cres. car park at Furzton (switch to Ring Go system)

The system has now been updated for purchasing the heavily discounted (£24) annual parking permit for The Point car park at Furzton.

Sorry, but there is no non-electronic method of doing this.

Important note: the phrase ‘for parking in the…at Furzton’ will be having the words “for fishing only” inserted in front of Furzton.

Anyone found by the Trust to be parking there for other reasons such as, say, going to work, is likely to have their parking permit cancelled without refund of fee…and if they have bought an MKAA card just to do that: tough – they won’t be getting a refund of their £45 either!

Why so strict? Anyone abusing the system is putting all the genuine members on a short, slippery, slope to having the privilege cancelled and ALL OF US having to pay full whack!

YOU ARE ALLOWED to register TWO car numbers to YOUR MKAA card. That is to accommodate those anglers who may occasionally need to use their partner’s car to go fishing.

But both only apply to one MKAA membership card number…so if anyone is caught putting their mate’s car number down, thinking they can both rock up and fish for the price of one: A) only one of the numbers registered is valid at any one time, B) if both turn up then the second one is invalid so long as the first is on site. And if someone is found to have a different MKAA card number to the one registered to the car, that won’t wash, either.

PLEASE make a note (and preferably photograph the details page of your MKAA ticket) and keep that UNTIL your car pass has EXPIRED. Unlike the MKAA card it is valid for 12 months from date of purchase.

MKAA does NOT have the people to sit and wade through heaps of ticket stubs to try and confirm that someone claiming to have lost ticket XYZ in the washing machine actually had such a ticket in the first place.

It is YOUR responsibility to cover your OWN rear end!

Thank you.

How to purchase:
  • Go through the below link to purchase the annual car parking permit for Furzton Lake @ £24 per year.
  • Members will need to upload a picture of their membership page in their books which will be verified by Ring Go
  • Two cars can be registered on the permit with only one car allowed to park at one time.
  • Permits purchased on the digi tickets platform will still be valid for 12 months, when renewal is due they will get a reminder with the new ring go link attached…/permitapplica…/info/64/MKAA


A few notes:

1 – This is the Parks Trust’s system, NOT MKAA’s, even though we have worked hard with them to get the annual purchase system in place for anglers who are the ONLY group of park users to be offered any kind of discount.

That’s because the Trust see us as the innocent meat in the sandwich in all this – genuine park users with a genuine need for long stay parking there.

2) As previously stated, the other two Trust car parks at Furzton remain, for the moment at least, free, as do the first two hours at Shirwell (the point).

3) This is not a ‘money grabbing’ exercise. If it was the Trust wouldn’t be offering this angler’s ticket discount.

4) This has come about because the local authority (not MKAA nor MKPT) consented to development with far too few parking spaces to cope with demand…

And then the pub/hotel brought in pay and display on their 110 spaces to drive out office worker parkers so that THEIR patrons could park.

The immediate result was much increased pressure on the 20/25 free spaces in the Trust’s nearby Shirwell Cres. Car park.

And yes we HAVE had anglers complaining about lack of parking there since that ‘migration’ occurred, just as anglers have complained about commuter parking at Tear Drops.

Previous Post updated

1st 2 hrs free so you can drop off or be dropped off without charge. 

The other two car parks remain free to use for the moment.

This is all about trying to deter office workers/commuters from using the car park and preventing genuine park users from getting in there.

The root cause of the problem is of course that the area was designed with totally inadequate parking provision before the PT came on the scene. They are simply trying to make best of a bad job.

Ps reinforcing that the other two car parks at Furzton currently remain free. All the above refers to the Shirwell Cres one only.