Hypo Needles

We occasionally get reports of Anglers finding hypodermic needles on the bank side. Sadly this is a national problem, particularly on urban fisheries, and will not go away unless society as a whole changes its behaviour, which is unlikely.

Were never sure whether they have been used and discarded on the spot or whether theyve come down with the floods and then lodged in the marginal weeds but, whichever, they?re still a safety risk to anglers, children, dogs, wildlife or anything else frequenting the margins.

Our bailiffs do know about the problem and sometimes remove those they find but, there is obviously then the problem of safe disposal as they need to be handed in / collected by the council for safe disposal.

Putting them out with domestic rubbish is not an option because of the risk they would then pose to those handling / collecting that rubbish.

All that said MKAA would, for safety reasons, advise individuals against trying to deal with needles themselves because of the safety risk.

The correct drill for dealing with such sharps is to call the council on 01908 691691 (out of hours it will give you an emergency number which is 01908 226699) and they will eventually send out a properly equipped operative to collect them but obviously this takes time and there can be problems adequately describing the spot for them to attend later…

Please drop this number in your mobile.

Fortunately this is a rare occurrence.