Illegal Fishing

Unfortunately illegal fishing is on the increase for reasons we are all aware of. Milton Keyes executive have been asked to provide some basic information on what to do if anglers come across illegal fishing. Do not get into a confrontation, just report it.


1) Do not compromise your own safety if you spot anyone fishing illegally, a minority of these people can be quite nasty.

2) If you see such activities in progress please report IMMEDIATELY on the Environment Agencys 24-hour line 0800 80 70 60.

3) Please also report to MKAA on 01908 270000.

4) If you can get the numbers of any associated vehicles or other identifying information, without getting into confrontation, please do so. Remember your mobile may have a camera, but think safety first.

5) If you find nets, other illegal apparatus or other evidence of fish thieving on or around the banks, take pictures and report that, too

6) Put these numbers in your mobile now, these are your fish these people are stealing.