Illegal Fishing​

The Environmental Agency carry out periodic checks on venues across Milton Keynes to ensure anglers have a valid rod licence. They are usually accompanied by the police or The Parks Trust. Rod licences can be purchased by following the link provided.

Unfortunately illegal fishing is on the increase for reasons that we are all aware of. Basic information of what to do if you come across illegal fishing.

  • Do not get confrontation, educate where possible. Step back if you are made to feel uncomfortable.
  • Do not compromise your safety.
  • If you see someone fishing illegally please report immediately on the Environmental Agency’s 24hour incident line 0800 80 70 60 ( please put this tel no in your phone).
  • Please also report any such activities to MKAA on 01908 660579.
  • Please provide any information such as car registration or any other identifying information without putting yourself at risk.
  • Please report any illegal traps or nets to the EA incident line 0800 80 70 60. Legal crayfish nets will have licence tag an number attached.